28 February 2024

90-Day Wellbeing Calendar

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Edition – March to May – Wellbeing Calendar

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the intricacies of cultivating a harmonious and supportive workplace environment. In today’s fast-paced world, where professional demands often overshadow personal wellbeing, it’s crucial to carve out space for employees to thrive both professionally and personally. With this in mind, we’re excited to remind you about our meticulously crafted Work and Wellbeing Calendar for 2024.

This calendar isn’t just a mere compilation of dates, it’s design to support organisations to build wellbeing strategies and initiatives to tie into key dates. We are here to support you in championing the physical, mental, and emotional health of your workforce. Through strategic alignment with key awareness campaigns and celebratory events, we aim to support you to foster a culture of inclusivity, appreciation, and holistic wellbeing making the world of work better for everyone in it.

Let’s take a closer look at what features over the next 90 Days.

March – Embracing Diversity and Wellness

March sets the tone for inclusivity and self-care. From commemorating Women’s History Month to raising awareness about ovarian, prostate, and bipolar cancers, this month underscores the importance of acknowledging and supporting diverse experiences within our workforce. Additionally, initiatives like Nutrition and Hydration Week and World Sleep Day emphasise the significance of physical health in sustaining productivity and happiness at work.

April – Prioritising Mental Health and Sustainability

In April, our focus shifts to stress awareness and mental health advocacy. With campaigns such as Stress Awareness Month and World Autism Acceptance Day, we strive to destigmatise conversations around mental wellbeing and promote a culture of empathy and support. Moreover, initiatives like International Earth Day and World Health and Safety Day at Work underscore our commitment to sustainability and occupational wellness, recognising the interdependence between a healthy planet and thriving workforce.

May – Cultivating Joy and Connection

May invites us to embrace moments of joy and connection. From promoting skin cancer awareness to encouraging outdoor activities during National Walking Month, we prioritise both physical health and rejuvenation. Furthermore, observances like Mental Health Awareness Week and National Smile Month highlight the importance of fostering positive mental attitudes and nurturing authentic relationships within our workplace community.

We aspire to create a nurturing and empowering environment where every employee feels valued, supported, and inspired to thrive. By aligning our organisational goals with the principles of wellness and inclusivity, we aim to not only enhance individual satisfaction and productivity but also foster a culture of collective resilience and growth. Join us as we embark on this journey of holistic transformation, one mindful step at a time.

Wellbeing calendar - March


Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Awareness

Women’s History Month

1       Self-Injury Awareness Day

2      National Employee Appreciation Day

8      International Women’s Day

11     Nutrition and Hydration Week

15    World Sleep Day

18    Neurodiversity Celebration Week

20   World Happiness Day

21    Debt Awareness Week

30   World Bipolar Day

Wellbeing calendar - April


Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

2      World Autism Acceptance Day

5      Walk to Work Day

7      World Health Day

21    Fertility Awareness Week

22   International Earth Day

25   On your feet Britain

28   World Health and Safety Day at Work

Wellbeing calendar - May


Skin Cancer Awareness

National Walking Month

National Smile Month (13th – 13th June)

1       Deaf Awareness Week

5      World Laughter day

6      Sun Awareness Week

7      Dying Matters Awareness

8      National Day for Staff Networks

13    Mental Health Awareness

14    Black Inclusion Week

15    Learning at Work Week

17    World Hypertension Day

21    World Meditation Day

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