15 August 2024

Empowering Employees to Take Ownership

Wellbeing ownership

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A fortnight ago we started our ‘Employee ownership of wellbeing’ blog series. The theme came about during ‘The Exchange‘, when a great question was posed ‘How do we develop employee ownership of wellbeing’? The first edition set the scene for why both employers and employees must take an active role in promoting health and wellbeing. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Empowering employees to take ownership is the theme of this edition.

Creating a workplace where employees feel empowered to take ownership of their wellbeing is essential for fostering a healthy, motivated, and productive workforce. This starts with encouraging proactive engagement and providing the necessary resources and support. The following are a few aspects for you to consider:

 1. Encourage Proactive Health Management

Employers can empower employees by promoting proactive health management. This includes providing access to wellness programmes, health screenings, and educational resources that encourage employees to take charge of their physical and mental health.

Actionable Steps

  • Offer regular workshops and seminars on various health topics, such as nutrition, exercise, and mental health.
  • Provide incentives for employees to participate in wellness programmes, such as gym memberships or mindfulness app subscriptions.
Empowering employees

 2. Foster a Supportive Environment

A supportive work environment is crucial for empowering employees to take ownership of their wellbeing. This includes fostering open communication and ensuring that employees feel comfortable discussing their health and wellbeing needs.

Actionable Steps

  • Create a culture of openness where employees feel safe discussing health concerns without fear of stigma or negative repercussions.
  • Train managers to recognise signs of stress or burnout and provide appropriate support.

 3. Promote Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a key component of employee wellbeing. Employers can support this by implementing flexible work arrangements and promoting a culture that values time off and personal time.

Actionable Steps

  • Introduce flexible working hours or remote work options to help employees balance their professional and personal lives.
  • Encourage employees to use their holiday days fully and take breaks during the workday.

(Part 2 of 6)

Employee Ownership of Wellbeing – Blog Series
1 – Employee Ownership of Wellbeing

Next edition Thursday 29th August – Proactive Employee Approaches

How People First can help

Are you wondering how our ‘Work and Wellbeing Coaching’ might support your employees? If you’re interested in exploring how these paradigms can be applied to improve your workplace, or if you want to learn more about our Work and Wellbeing coaching programmes, we are here to help. Together, we can create a thriving environment where both productivity and personal satisfaction are maximised.