07 February 2024

The power behind an effective manager

team all putting their hands in the centre of the group

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Pause for a moment and envision two distinct scenarios unfolding within your organisation. In World A, picture an employee navigating the challenges of being managed by an ineffective leader amidst a dysfunctional team. Now, contrast that with World B, where the same employee is under the guidance of an effective manager within a thriving team environment. Can you feel the disparity between these two workplace experiences? As you ponder this, consider grabbing a notepad to jot down your reflections. Let’s delve deeper into these contrasting realities and explore the profound impact of an effective manager on the employee experience.

In World A, the employee’s experience is likely characterised by frustration, confusion, and a sense of disconnection. Under the management of an ineffective leader or manager, they may feel undervalued, unsupported, and directionless. This lack of guidance and leadership can lead to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, and a general sense of stagnation in achieving work-related KPIs. Additionally, within a dysfunctional team environment, interpersonal conflicts, communication breakdowns, and a lack of cohesion may further exacerbate the challenges the employee faces.

The impact on the employee’s wellbeing in World A is profound. Constant stress, uncertainty, and a feeling of being stuck in an unfulfilling work situation can take a toll on their mental and emotional health. High levels of job dissatisfaction, burnout, and disengagement are common consequences, leading to decreased motivation, increased absenteeism, and even physical health issues. Overall, the employee in World A is likely to experience a significant decline in their overall wellbeing, both professionally and personally.

Contrastingly, in World B, the employee’s experience is markedly different. Under the guidance of an effective manager within a thriving team environment, they feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed. Clear communication, goal alignment, and constructive feedback from their manager contribute to a sense of direction and purpose in their work. This conducive atmosphere fosters collaboration, innovation, and a collective commitment to achieving work-related KPIs.

The impact on the employee’s wellbeing in World B is overwhelmingly positive. With a supportive manager and a cohesive team, they experience higher levels of job satisfaction, engagement, and fulfilment in their role. A sense of belonging, trust, and camaraderie within the team enhances their overall sense of wellbeing, leading to increased resilience, motivation, and a greater sense of work-life balance. As a result, the employee in World B is likely to thrive professionally and personally, achieving greater success and satisfaction in their career journey.

World AWorld B
·      Frustration, confusion, and disconnection
·      Decreased productivity and missed deadlines
·      Lack of clarity, guidance and direction
·      Interpersonal conflicts and communication breakdowns
·      High levels of job dissatisfaction, and disengagement
·      Increased stress, burnout and mental health issues.
·      Increased absenteeism, staff turnover and physical health issues
·      Negative impact on company culture and morale
·      Difficulty in meeting performance targets and KPIs
·      Potential damage to professional reputation and career advancement prospects 
·      Feeling valued, supported, and empowered
·      Clear communication and goal alignment
·      Constructive feedback and sense of purpose
·      Collaboration, innovation, and commitment to goals
·      Higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement
·      Greater sense of belonging, trust, and camaraderie
·      Increased resilience, motivation, and work-life balance
·      Positive impact on company culture and morale
·      Achievement of performance targets and KPIs
·      Opportunities for professional growth and career advancement 

Which world would you prefer to be an employee in?

If you created a continuum for your organisation, where would a majority of employees sit? 

If you closely examined different teams of people or different stakeholders within your organisation, where would they sit on the continuum? 

Cultivating Leadership and Workplace Wellbeing

In today’s dynamic workplace landscape, the importance of leadership in fostering employee wellbeing cannot be overstated. Studies show that well-supported employees are 3.4 times more likely to feel engaged in their work. Recognising this, we’ve developed a series of support programmes designed to empower managers in creating a supportive work environment.

Effective leadership lies at the core of workplace wellbeing, with leaders serving as the cornerstone for building a culture of wellbeing. Thriving workplaces prioritise leaders who champion self-care, resilience, and a positive mindset. By embodying these qualities, leaders guide their teams toward holistic wellbeing, fostering meaningful connections and collective success.

Leaders who prioritise wellbeing inspire their teams to thrive. Therefore, their own wellbeing is paramount. Neglecting one’s own wellbeing hampers the ability to support others effectively. That’s why we’re committed to helping leaders lead by example when it comes to developing a workplace wellbeing culture. Our programmes provide leaders with a toolbox of tailored wellbeing strategies to support both their own and their team’s wellbeing. By empowering leaders to identify early signs of wellbeing issues and intervene proactively, we enable them to create a healthier work environment and address individual needs efficiently. Through these efforts, managers not only enhance performance but also contribute to the overall thriving of their teams.

Building Positive Workplace Relationships through Empowered Managers

We’re dedicated to building positive workplace relationships, recognising their profound impact on organisational culture and employee wellbeing. Managers who prioritise connections with their direct reports foster an environment of trust and open communication, which are the key ingredients for boosting engagement and job satisfaction. Our manager programmes are designed to harness the power of building alliances between managers and their teams, leveraging research that shows 75% of employees highly value teamwork and collaboration.

Creating an inclusive team environment is crucial for fostering collaboration and reducing stress, ultimately enhancing overall wellbeing. Through our programmes, we empower managers to build a collaborative culture where individuals can thrive, positively impacting their work experience. Success is further facilitated by empowering teams through self-awareness and character development through our team coaching programmes. By understanding individual strengths, preferences, and stress indicators, teams can maximise their potential and achieve shared goals.

Central to this approach is developing a shared vision within teams, which fosters purpose, motivation, and collaboration. This collective goal not only reduces stress but also promotes job satisfaction and resilience, creating a psychologically secure environment aligned with team values. Through our initiatives, we aim to equip managers with the tools and insights necessary to foster positive workplace relationships, enabling both individuals and teams to flourish.

People First Managers Support Services

CIPD’s recent report – The importance of people management – analysis of its impact on employees, states; Slightly more than half (53%) of line managers felt adequately supported, receiving sufficient training and information to effectively fulfil their people management duties. Conversely, slightly more than one-fifth (21%) perceived the support they received as insufficient.

Unlock your organisation’s full potential with our tailored range of services designed to support managerial skills and build a vibrant workplace culture. Our offerings span from workshops addressing managers’ wellbeing, stress management, and resilience to courses supporting the holistic wellbeing of all team members. Additionally, our personalised 1-to-1 coaching for managers, alliance-building programmes, and specialised support for managing neurodivergent direct reports ensure a comprehensive approach. With these essential tools and support, we empower your managers to elevate team performance and drive success.

Embark on your journey with us today to empower your managers to be the cornerstone of your wellbeing strategy and development. Let us help you upskill your managers to lead the charge toward a healthier, more fulfilling workplace.

Start your journey

Summary - manager support

1. We work together to create World B, where the employees thrive under effective management in a supportive team environment.

2. The profound impact of effective management and team dynamics on employee wellbeing is evident. 

3. Effective leadership is crucial for fostering workplace wellbeing. 

4. Leaders who model effective wellbeing empower their people to succeed and thrive.

5. Empowering leaders and managers with the tools and support necessary to prioritise wellbeing and build positive workplace relationships is essential. From tailored workshops and coaching programmes to specialised support for managing diverse teams, our comprehensive range of services enables leaders and managers to drive success and elevate team performance.

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