14 February 2024

Selecting Wellbeing Awareness Campaigns

Selecting wellbeing awareness campaigns

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We turn our attention to the strategic selection of awareness campaigns and aligning them to your workplace strategy. With numerous National and international awareness days, it’s challenging to spotlight them all. To ensure your efforts resonate and have a meaningful impact, it’s essential to align these campaigns with your workplace wellbeing and mental health strategy. Selecting wellbeing awareness campaigns that are right for you is essential. Here’s how to make informed choices that support your goals.

Why Focused Awareness Campaigns Matter

Promoting wellbeing through awareness campaigns is more than a tick-box exercise; it’s an opportunity to reinforce your commitment to employee health and create a supportive environment. However, choosing which campaigns to highlight requires thoughtful consideration. Here’s why focusing on a few key campaigns is beneficial:

  1. Alignment with Organisational Goals – Selecting campaigns that align with your company’s vision and objectives ensures that your efforts are cohesive and impactful. This alignment helps integrate these initiatives into your broader wellbeing strategy, making them more effective and relevant.
  2. Resource Optimisation – Concentrating on a few well-chosen campaigns allows you to allocate resources more effectively. Instead of spreading your efforts thin, you can dedicate time and energy to campaigns that offer the greatest potential for positive outcomes.
  3. Increased Impact – By focusing on campaigns that resonate with your employees and reflect your organisational values, you can drive greater engagement and participation. This targeted approach enhances the overall effectiveness of your wellbeing initiatives.

Selecting wellbeing awareness campaigns – Key Questions

When evaluating which awareness campaigns will be most beneficial for your workplace, consider the following questions:

  1. Do the campaigns align with our organisational values and goals? Ensure the campaigns reflect the core values and objectives of your wellbeing strategy. This alignment strengthens the relevance and impact of your initiatives.
  2. What specific areas of wellbeing are we aiming to address? Identify which aspects of wellbeing (e.g., mental health, stress management, work-life balance) are most pertinent to your employees. Focus on campaigns that address these areas.
  3. How can we integrate these campaigns into our existing initiatives? Consider how the chosen campaigns can complement and enhance your current wellbeing programs. Integration helps create a cohesive strategy and maximises the overall impact.
  4. What resources will be required to support these campaigns? Assess the resources needed, including time, budget, and personnel. Ensure you have the capacity to implement and support the campaigns effectively.
  5. What feedback do we have from employees regarding these campaigns? Engage with your employees to understand their preferences and needs. Campaigns that resonate with their concerns are more likely to be successful.

Making the Most of Your Campaigns

Once you’ve selected the most relevant campaigns, focus on effective implementation:

  • Promote Internally – Use internal communication channels to raise awareness and encourage participation.
  • Measure Impact – Track the outcomes of your campaigns to assess their effectiveness and make data-driven adjustments.
  • Gather Feedback – Collect feedback from employees to refine and improve future campaigns.

What might you now do differently when selecting wellbeing awareness campaigns for your workplace?


Choosing the right wellbeing awareness campaigns involves more than just picking a date on the calendar. It’s about aligning with your organisational goals, addressing relevant areas of wellbeing, and ensuring effective resource allocation. By focusing on a few strategic campaigns, you can make a meaningful impact on your workplace wellbeing and mental health strategy.

As you navigate this process, remember that our consultancy services are here to support you. Whether you need assistance in aligning campaigns with your strategy or implementing effective initiatives, we’re here to help you create a thriving and supportive work environment.

Need help with finding wellbeing and mental health key awareness dates? Explore them here – People First Wellbeing Calendar 2024

Ready to enhance your workplace wellbeing strategy? Contact us today to explore how we can help you select and implement impactful awareness campaigns that align with your organisational goals and make a difference for your employees.